Beginning my Camino. This is in St. Jean, right outside the hostel.

I don´t know if you can tell, but this is STEEP AS HELL.

View from the top of the world.

This is Mimi and Jocelyn...Mimi is French and Jocelyn is from Quebec. They are 62 and 58 and are lovely. Mimi is the one with the grass hat she made herself. They saved me on the Pyrenees when I was trying to keep up with Hank and they said, ¨Slow down! He´s too fast for you.¨

Yeah. I´m a badass.

This is Hank (Karel, the Belgian) and Christa from Austria at the Fontaine de Rolánd on the Pyrenees.

Michael from Idaho, and Florian (Kasey Kahne) in Arres.

Felix and ¨our puppy¨ outside Arres.

This is at 9am on a Sunday morning in Pamplona. THESE people know how to party. This was taken about 20 minutes after the bull running.

Like any good American, I got a picture of this guy, who had just gotten somewhat mauled by the bulls.

Me and the sculptures in the Alto del Perdon above Pamplona.

The indomitable, the illustrious, the irrepressible Skip (Aussie, Aussie Ausbourne, Skip Norris, Brad Ball of Perth). =) And Michael from Idaho.

These seldom seem accurate, but they´re nice to see....

I´ve just used all my strength to push a needle through the leather of Skip´s heel, trying to pop a blister. The ones I popped were NOT the one that got infected, by the way....

My German boys and Skip. =)

Performing first aid on Skip´s broken pack strap.

Our puppy!! Isn´t she tiny??

Pilgrims spend a lot of time doing this. Skip and Felix.

¨So an Australian, and Austrian, and an American walk into a bar....¨ This is me, Christa, and Skip pointing out our homes on a map in a bar in Villamayor.

Kasey Kahne, Christa, Felix, me, Skip, and the Pamplonan king in Villamayor.

The monks heading out of Villamayor. The awesome shot I got of them in front of the building didn´t download, for some reason, so I´ll have to post it another time.

Al...the devil himself. =)

Skip, Kasey Kahne, and Felix (the German boys) as we sat and had a beer by the river in Nájera.

Me. =)

German boys doing what they do best. Kasey Kahne and Felix.

The Camino stretching into the distance behind me.

View from the bell tower at the church in Santo Domingo de la Calzada.

A mother-daughter team from Poland. How ´bout it, Mom?? =) This was the communal dinner in the church tower in Grañón.

Nico and Maelle, the French couple.

The Hungarian buccanneer.

Francois from Quebec and Federico from Florence. Federico is always happy, always laughing, always kissing your cheek...every bit the Italian.

This is pretty gross but I had to put Skip´s ankle in here....

Atop the Montes de Oca, heading up out of Villafranca.

Hiking...this was yesterday heading out of Atapuerca.

Yesterday in old-city Burgos.

These are the yellow arrows we follow. They show up on trees, rocks, buildings...they are our lifeline.

In the cities, the yellow arrows give way to these, which line the walkways along the Camino.

This was a welcome sight yesterday in Atapuerca, though I´m still 5k from its accurate point.
Well, that´s all for now, I suppose. This is the Camino up to this point. I´ve been in this café for 3 hours now...time to see this cathedral and get the hell outta Dodge. Stay tuned for yesterday´s report below.
Love you all and hope you enjoyed the pictures. =)
The pictures are wonderful! I'm excited to see faces and connect them to all of your stories. You look happy, healthy, and beautiful! Enjoy the journey.
Great photos! Glad to see YOU along with all the others. I can finally put faces to all the names! Keep clicking away! Will be interested to see how you do alone today!
Love you!
May I add my comments to Michelle's..Now that I feel like I've met you...seeing photos of you...Hush about the "girly girls and how pretty.." BS...YOU are strong healthy obviously happy and quite frankly Beautiful! Take it from an anitquated Mom, of 51 who is living this route vicariously !! Thank you so very much for the time and effort you have put into your blog and for the incredible photos. You absolutely made my morning! Gracias and Buen Camino, Karin
Thanks for the picts. I feel like I know all of you now.
Stay Healthy!
great pics
good site for information location of internet shops bars accommadation etc.
bed bug alert in hontanas
castrojeriz def has internet.
ian and (rosie)
YOU GO WOMAN!!!! You look fantastic and like you are having the time of your life (which it seems like you are). Your photos are beautiful!!! I get to work and check this first thing every morning to look in on you. Keep rockin on :-)
You are amazing! Loved the photos! When enlarged they are even better....and have some"interesting" scenery. ha
Hi Christine,
Just a hello from the other side of the world. We're from Melbourne, Australia and training for our Camino next year. Found your blog and love it. Go you! Say hi to Skip from us ;)
that looks like ALOT of traveling ms. E! looks like you're having fun. you write a BUNCH; i think i like your word-of mouth stories better (:
can't wait for next year!
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